Round Rock Preservation (RRP) is working to purchase a privately owned historic sign to mark the original location of Kenney Fort and to educate our community about this important piece of Round Rock history. Concord at Brushy Creek Neighborhood in Round Rock has given Round Rock Preservation permission to install the proposed sign along Centennial Boulevard within their neighborhood, since the original site of Kenney Fort is also located within that neighborhood.
The project is expected to cost $2,507.07 to purchase and install a sign/marker that provides details about Kenney Fort. If additional funds are raised; those funds will be used to build a mobile display model of Kenney Fort, which can be taken to local schools and to Pioneer Days to share the history of Kenney Fort.
The exact location of the Kenney Fort site in Round Rock has almost been forgotten. The actual site of Kenney Fort is located within the Concord at Brushy Creek Neighborhood. One centennial marker located along the east bound lane of Hwy 79 (across from the Palm Valley Lutheran Church) provides limited information about Kenney Fort.
It should be noted that Kenney Fort played an important role in both Texas and Round Rock History.
While many details about the history of Kenney Fort have already been lost, we know Kenney Fort was built in 1838 and continued until 1852 or later. Kenney Fort was the site of the Texas Archives War and the site of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition. Kenney Fort was also the first permanent settlement in Williamson County, was built by Dr. Thomas Kenney and his wife Polly in 1838, and Kenney Fort served as a fort to protect settlers from wild animals and Indian attacks.
Your support to fund the Kenney Fort Project will help the citizens of Round Rock learn details about the rich early-day history of the City of Round Rock.