Round Rock Stagecoach Inn - 1930s
Image courtesy of the Richards Family
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Land owners (1841 Forward)
JJ Harris had 27 land transactions & it is unclear which deed is associated with the parcel for the RR Stagecoach Inn between 1863-1901; However to the best I could conclude here are my findings:
1841 - 1853 Jacob M. Harrell, Headright League
Circa 1851-53 JJ Harris built RR Stagecoach Inn
1853 - 1863 Thomas C. Oatts (Postmaster)
1863 - 1880 John James (JJ) & Elizabeth (Tisdale) Harris
1880-1907 John James (Jack) Jr. & Anna Harris
(Son of JJ Harris)
1907 - 1907 Marcus Dee & Ella Surber (Carpenter)
1907 - 1932 Benjamin Chester (BC). & Henrietta
Richards (proprietor of stone quarry)
1932-1941 Donald Lee Joseph (Author/Teacher)
1941 - 1957 Harold & Sue Richards (Oil Operator)
1957 - 1960 James Onus & Mary Barger (Accountant & Director of, State Security Board)
1960 - 1984 Donald & Laura Davol (Rancher/Aircraft)
1984 - 1997 Bedico Property Ltd (RR Land
1997 - 2005 George Transom III
2005-2012 Back in Texas L.P.
Nov 2012 The City of Round Rock
Apr 2018 City of Round Rock relocated Inn from
901 Round Rock Avenue in the Commons Business Complex to 750 Chisholm Trail
Road within the grounds of the City's
future Bathing Beach Park..

Follow the rock path through the cedar archway to the Round Rock Stagecoach Inn. (Previous location.).